
Last years BBC School report day


Keeping your new safe and legal

School Report rules:
  1. Only use first names
  2. Report the facts, not rumours
  3. Avoid crime stories, especially on-going court cases
  4. Use your own photos, images and music
  5. Avoid reporting a topic which makes you feel uncomfortable
  6. Finish your work by 1400 GMT
  7. Publish reports on your school website by 1600 GMT

Planning - The Five Ws

You already have your story but just remember the Five Ws

What - What is the story? Get the facts right before starting your report.
Why - Why is the story important to your audience? Which points do you need to focus on to get their interest?
Who - Who is involved? Think about who will be able to tell their sides of the story in an interesting way. Make sure they're available to film when you need them. Remember, if you want to film anyone under the age of 18, you must get permission from their parent or guardian. If you are filming at school, in school time, this permission can be given by the head teacher.
Where - Where is the story happening, and where is the best place to film? If you're shooting outside of school, you may need to get permission first.
When - Has the story already happened, or is it about to happen? If there's going to be a significant event you want to report on, make sure you get there on time!

Make sure you have planned well........
Introduction - This is where the reporter starts to explain the story. Don't make it too long, keep it short and snappy.
First interview - The first person you talk to will give their opinion on what is happening, and how it affects them.
Second interview - You need to talk to someone with a different opinion, to provide balance.
Extra shots - These show the audience more about the place and the people in the story. They make the report more interesting.
Conclusion - This will be the reporter's sign-off, where they summarise the outcome, or possible outcomes, of the story.

Filming Tips
Watch video on this page  on filming tips.
Use this worksheet to help with filming tips

All tips taken from BBC School Report website

Opening and ending credits to add to video are located on the read drive
'BBC news and School Report